A Letter to my present Self-

I hope “the night sky touches your soul. I hope you fall in love with being alive again." I hope you fall in love with yourself, after trauma. I hope you choose this, each day. I hope you continue to love mountains, sunsets, beaches and rain. Coffee, candles, perfume and flowers. The morning breeze. All the ordinary, little things and moments of daily life. Especially the days you need to hang on to something. I hope you never stop fighting and rescuing yourself. Smiling with strangers, children, animals and nature. I hope you continue to love all of your repaired pieces, even with their cracks. I hope you know that when you were broken, it was not a sign of weakness, but of strength, humility, honesty and acceptance. That it was needed for transformation. I hope you do your best to choose genuineness and expression over protectiveness and isolation. I hope all that you have endured inspires others. I hope you open yourself to love and to "the beauty of the ear...