
Showing posts from November, 2017

Camping memories from 2016...

How do you keep your sanity in this fast-paced world?  When we have one thousand things to do? Plus the one thousand things in our minds? And the problems that need resolving.  Or not. Some problems do resolve on their own- we just need to know which ones we let go and which ones we attend to. Sometimes easy; other times - not so easy. As you know, for us is camping. Hiking. Nature. Getaways when we can. Sometimes alone. Sometimes with the family. These pictures are from a camping / hiking trip with the whole family from the Summer of 2016. I think this is the first time I discovered our favorite camping place was surrounded by black bears. And snakes. And after coming down that mountain, we stopped, in silence. My brothers had spotted a snake behind bushes, so we all froze. For a while. "It's been looking at you," said my brother. But I had zero interest in spotting the animal or knowing why I, somehow, was appealing. Only Go

Stopping on the Side roads...

Life is not just about destinations. I am not saying destinations are not great - they are. But here is the thing - you don't know when you are going to make it, or if you are going to make it. But instead, is more of what is in the Journey - on the side road. Because we are too focused on the place we want to reach, we forget to turn around... ...To the side. To the little things. We keep our eyes too much in the road ahead. That if we just turn around... a little bit... ... and stop - stop the car. Stop the chase. ...Stop for a bit- maybe a little longer - on the side of the freeway. Take yourself, your presence, your camera out.  And observe. Feel the meaning of Life - again. Because the best part of the Journey is when we stop. And take the unexpected detours. These pictures were taken on the side of the freeway. Because I couldn't keep my eyes in the road ahead, so I had to stop. Paty

Driving away to find Peace. Only to not find it.

I remember this day as if it was yesterday. It was sometime between July or August of 2016. I took Lucián with me and drove a little over 2 hours to one of my most peaceful places. Because I was desperate for it - some Peace. I was in the middle of the Divorce filing and process. That process- no lawyer, no money, just me, my emotions, a hundred visits to the Court House, paperwork over paperwork and filing over filing. And one thousand accusations- all going to one soul, one heart. There was also the wait - the wait for all of it to be over. So that I could have my Peace back. That is all I wanted - my Peace. Peace in the middle of a divorce. Of maybe buying a house, but nothing with certainty. Plus many other things all happening at once. All at the same time. The divorce was bringing the worse out of both of us. And I was wondering if everything I had gone through during this soul searching meant nothing during these ugly times. Everything was getting to me.