When things get ugly and fast.
The Monday I had Jury Duty, was the Monday after my cousin's wedding, at the beginning of September. The Friday before that Saturday, the kids and I finally were able to take out most of the old furniture out of the house and take it to the dump. I have been wanting to do this for years, but my mental health wouldn't allow it. Whenever I thought about it, or about pushing myself to do it, I couldn't, making things worse with guilt and shame. That Friday evening, after we came back home, it felt peaceful and joyful. The house felt emptier, but the good kind of empty. We were too tired to drive three hours for the wedding, so we waited for Saturday morning. When I have too much going on and I know stress will become excessive, I zone out to stay in the present, telling myself I can handle whatever I have in front of me. I knew the following week was going to be tough after the weekend trip, and I was afraid of tiring myself too much again, resulting in another depressive ep